Saturday, April 17, 2010


Most mornings I am up and ready to go by the time Andrew wakes up, or at least close to ready or in the process of getting ready while he watches cartoons in our bed. I'm not one for laying around in bed. Once I'm up, I want to get ready for the day. But today was different. I decided to take advantage of a leisurely morning and cuddle with my family in bed. Andrew snuggled up to me while we watched Handy Manny. He was so sweet. He kept telling me that he loved me and then would kiss my tummy and say that he loved Ava. He kissed my tummy at least 10 times and just put his hand on my tummy and rubbed it. He is such a sweet little boy. Lately he has been very clingy to me. He is always asking for mommy or wanting mommy...I think he realizes that he is soon going to have to share mommy with his baby sister. It's amazing to me how much a 2 1/2 year old can grasp the concept of a new baby coming into the family. He really does love his sister and I think he is going to be such a great, loving, and protective big brother!

1 comment:

Patti said...

That is so special to stop and enjoy those morning cuddles, especially since Andrew's only child days are drawing to an end. I think he is going to be a great big brother too, it's so cute how much he already loves her. :)