Saturday, August 29, 2009


In keeping with the idea that this is a journal about Andrew I have to mention the good, the bad and the yucky! In the last several weeks I have been talking to Andrew about going potty on the big boy potty. I'm working towards potty training but haven't worked on it too much. If we are home, which isn't much these day, I will encourage him to use the big boy potty or just put him on it to get used to it. He has a little Lightening McQueen seat that he sits on and I bought him some books on using the potty to look at to pass the time. I try to keep him on it for a little bit so he gets used to it. Like I said, I haven't done this much, just a handful of times. Last Monday we were at home and I could tell he had a "big one" coming on, so I said do you have to go poop, he of course said "no" which is his answer to everything. I sat him on the potty and sure enough, he pooped in the big boy potty! I was so proud of him and made a big deal out of it. We haven't worked on it too much since then, but I'm hoping to once our travel settles down in late September. I've heard that it takes a long time to potty train boys...I guess we'll see! Wish me luck!!!

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