Saturday, August 8, 2009


I've been kicking around the idea of starting a blog for a long time. Some of my friends have blogs and I love reading them, especially ones about their kids. So I thought, I should start one! Really my only reason for starting one is to write about Andrew. For the first year of his life I documented everything he did in a baby book, now that he's almost 2, I realize that I haven't written down any of the funny things he's done or any of his developments in the last year! All my documentation is in pictures. So I thought a blog would be a great way to journal about my son and all the joy and happiness he brings me every day! He is truly a blessing to me and I'm so thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom. So don't expect great writing, spelling, witty humor or anything like that, because I am a terrible writer! I'm just hoping that in 10 years I can look back and see all of the funny little moments Andrew brought to our lives....and also keep all my family members up to date on the happenings of Andrew!


Andrea said...

Whooo Hoooo! Tinaming99 is a blogger! ;)

Janet said...

This is a good idea. Glad you're doing it.