Sunday, August 30, 2009

I love Jesus!

Andrew loves to read. He will sit down and read books for quite some time. He has certain books that he really likes and others that he doesn't pick up as often. He really loves ready his Bible. Grandpa & Grandma Ming got him his little Bible last year for Christmas. He will sit and read his Bible for the longest time. He points out Jesus on all of the different pages, all the different animals (especially the fishies), Moses, and babies (Baby Jesus). I'll tell him to say "love you Jesus" and he says "uv you Jesus"'s so cute! Here's a short little video of him reading the Bible and pointing out all the pictures of Jesus :)

8.28.09 - 23 1/2 months

Andrew also will pray with us at the table. He used to be better at it but now he will occasionally fold his hands, be quiet during the prayer and at the end say "mamen." Lately he hasn't been doing it as much, but when he does it's just the cutest thing!

I should add that Andrew doesn't really "read"...he's brilliant, but not that brilliant :) When he's looking at his books he mainly just goes from page to page pointing out different things and telling me what they are. If he doesn't know what something says he'll point to it and say "dis, dis" meaning "what's this?" So I guess that's his version of reading!


Tiffany said...

his legs are ridiculously long! and he's pretty much the cutest child to ever live.

Andrea said...

very cute kristi. i love jesus too!